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In this lesson we will discuss some small issues we haven’t gotten around yet. You will see things you might have been wanting to know all along..
Small Nouns
In Dutch there is a suffix “-je” that will make a noun small. For example, adding “-je” to “huis” generates “huisje”, meaning “little house”. You will often see such small nouns in Dutch. Note that they all are of neuter gender and therefore use the article “het” in singular.
0 nul 1 één 2 twee 3 drie 4 vier 5 vijf 6 zes 7 zeven 8 acht 9 negen 10 tien 11 elf 12 twaalf 13 dertien 14 veertien 15 vijftien 16 zestien 17 zeventien 18 achttien 19 negentien | 20 twintig 21 éénentwintig 22 tweeëntwintig 23 drieëntwintig 24 vierentwintig 30 dertig 40 veertig 50 vijftig 60 zestig 70 zeventig 80 tachtig 90 negentig 100 honderd 123 honderddrieëntwintig 200 tweehonderd 1000 duizend 10000 tienduizend 100000 honderdduizend 1000000 [één] miljoen |
Days of the week
Unlike in English, the days of the week do not receive a capital first letter.
Monday | maandag |
Tuesday | dinsdag |
Wednesday | woensdag |
Thursday | donderdag |
Friday | vrijdag |
Saturday | zaterdag |
Sunday | zondag |
The preposition used to point at day is always “op”. However, there is also an alternative construction using “‘s” and the name of the day appended by an extra S.
Ik kom op maandag | I come on Monday |
Ik kom ‘s maandags | I come on Monday |
The months of the year
Like the days of the week, the months of the year are never capitalized:
January | januari |
February | februari |
March | maart |
April | april |
May | mei |
June | juni |
July | juli |
August | augustus |
September | september |
October | oktober |
November | november |
December | december |
The preposition used to point at a month is “in”, just like in English.
There is still a verb tense we have left undiscussed: the so-called imperative tense/mood. This is used to give commands and is very easy to use in Dutch because like in English, it simply consists of the present tense stem:
Kom! | Come! |
Loop! | Walk! |
We can also form this into a “Let’s …” expression using “Laten we” plus the infinitive verb:
Laten we lopen! | Let’s walk! |
Laten we vliegen! | Let’s fly! |
Below you will see a very extensive scheme that will show you words like “somebody”:
Unspecific | Interrogative | Specific | All-inclusive | All-exclusive | |
Quality | Some/ any kind of |
What kind of? | That kind of, such a | Every kind of, all kinds of | No kind of |
Een soort | Wat voor soort? | Dat soort, zo’n [soort] | Elk soort | Geen [enkel] soort |
Reason | For some reason |
Why? | Therefore, so | For every reason | For no reason |
Om één of andere reden |
Waarom? | Daarom | Om alles | Nergens om | |
Time | Sometime, anytime, ever | When? | Then | Always | Never |
Ooit, eens | Wanneer? | Dan | Altijd | Nooit | |
Location | Somewhere, anywhere |
Where? | There | Everywhere | Nowhere |
Ergens | Waar? | Daar | Overal | Nergens | |
Direction | Somewhere, anywhere |
Where to? | [to] there | [to] everywhere | [to] nowhere |
Ergens [heen] |
Waarheen? | Daarheen | Overal naartoe | Nergens naartoe | |
Manner | Somehow, anyhow |
How? | Like that, so | In every way | In no way |
Op één of andere manier |
Hoe? | Zo | Op elke manier | Op geen enkele manier | |
Possession | Someone’s, anyone’s |
Whose? | That one’s, his, hers, theirs | Everybody’s, everyone’s | Nobody’s |
Iemand’s | Wiens? | zijn,haar,hun | Iedereen’s | Niemand’s | |
Object | Something, anything | What? | That | Everything | Nothing |
Iets | Wat? | Dat | Alles | Niets, niks | |
Quantity | Some | How much?, How many? | That/so much, That/so many | All [of it] | None [of it] |
Enige | Hoeveel? | Zo veel | Alles | Niets | |
Person | Somebody, anybody |
Who? | That one, he,she,they | Everybody, everyone | Nobody |
Iemand | Wie? | Die, hij, zij, hen | Iedereen | Niemand | |
Adje ctive |
Some, any | which?, what? | That | Every, each, all | None, no |
Enig, enige | Welke? | Die | Elke, alle | Geen enkele, none |
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