Dutch articles (de, het, een)

Let’s explore articles in Dutch with examples.

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In Dutch, articles are important because they indicate the gender and number of a noun. There are definite articles (the) and indefinite articles (a/an). Additionally, Dutch has two definite articles: “de” and “het” and one indefinite article: “een”.

Definite Articles (The):
  1. “De” is used with common gender nouns (masculine and feminine):
    • De auto (the car)
    • De kat (the cat)
  2. “Het” is used with neuter gender nouns (things and concepts):
    • Het huis (the house)
    • Het boek (the book)
Indefinite Article (A/An):
  1. “Een” is used for both masculine, feminine, and neuter gender nouns (a/an):
    • Een hond (a dog)
    • Een tafel (a table)
  1. Common Gender Nouns (De):
    • De man (the man)
    • De vrouw (the woman)
    • De fiets (the bicycle)
    • De bloem (the flower)
  2. Neuter Gender Nouns (Het):
    • Het kind (the child)
    • Het huis (the house)
    • Het probleem (the problem)
    • Het boek (the book)
  3. Indefinite Article (Een):
    • Een jongen (a boy)
    • Een meisje (a girl)
    • Een auto (a car)
    • Een school (a school)

Additional Notes:

  • In Dutch, unlike in English, all nouns have a gender (common or neuter), and this gender determines the choice between “de” and “het.”
  • Plurals of nouns in Dutch are formed by adding “-en” to the singular form for most common gender nouns and “-s” for most neuter gender nouns.

Plural Nouns:

  • De kinderen (the children)
  • De huizen (the houses)
  • Het boek (the book) → De boeken (the books)

Remember that while there are rules for determining the gender of nouns, there are exceptions as well, so it’s essential to learn the gender of nouns along with their articles as you go along in your Dutch language learning journey.

Here are some exercises related to Dutch articles, along with their answers:

Exercise 1:

Choose the Correct Article

Choose the correct definite article (“de” or “het”) or the indefinite article (“een”) for the following nouns:

  1. (the book) – ___ boek
  2. (a dog) –  ___ hond
  3. (the table) –  ___ tafel
  4. (a cat) –  ___ kat
  5. (the child) –  ___ kind
  6. (the flowers) –  ___ bloemen
  7. (an apple) –  ___ appel
  8. (the car) –  ___ auto
  9. (a house) –  ___ huis
  10. (the school) –  ___ school

Exercise 2:

Identify the Gender

Identify whether the following nouns are common gender (masculine or feminine) or neuter gender:

  1. tafel (table) –  _____
  2. stoel (chair) – _____
  3. boek (book) – _____
  4. man (man) – _____
  5. kind (child) – _____
  6. vrouw (woman) – _____
  7. huis (house) – _____
  8. bloem (flower) – _____
  9. auto (car) – _____
  10. fiets (bicycle) – _____

Exercise 3:

Form Plurals

Form the plural form of the following nouns:

  1. huis (house) – _____
  2. stoel (chair) – _____
  3. boek (book) – _____
  4. kat (cat) – _____
  5. bloem (flower) – _____
  6. tafel (table) – _____
  7. man (man) – _____
  8. vrouw (woman) – _____
  9. auto (car) – _____
  10. kind (child) – _____


Exercise 1:

  1. (the book) – het boek
  2. (a dog) – een hond
  3. (the table) – de tafel
  4. (a cat) – een kat
  5. (the child) – het kind
  6. (the flowers) – de bloemen
  7. (an apple) – een appel
  8. (the car) – de auto
  9. (a house) – een huis
  10. (the school) – de school

Exercise 2:

  1. tafel (table) – Common gender (de)
  2. stoel (chair) – Common gender (de)
  3. boek (book) – Neuter gender (het)
  4. man (man) – Common gender (de)
  5. kind (child) – Neuter gender (het)
  6. vrouw (woman) – Common gender (de)
  7. huis (house) – Neuter gender (het)
  8. bloem (flower) – Common gender (de)
  9. auto (car) – Common gender (de)
  10. fiets (bicycle) – Common gender (de)

Exercise 3:

  1. huis (house) – huizen (houses)
  2. stoel (chair) – stoelen (chairs)
  3. boek (book) – boeken (books)
  4. kat (cat) – katten (cats)
  5. bloem (flower) – bloemen (flowers)
  6. tafel (table) – tafels (tables)
  7. man (man) – mannen (men)
  8. vrouw (woman) – vrouwen (women)
  9. auto (car) – auto’s (cars)
  10. kind (child) – kinderen (children)

I hope these exercises help you practice Dutch articles and grammar!

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