Learn the Dutch Alphabet: A Complete Guide to Pronunciation
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The Alphabet in Dutch
The Dutch alphabet uses the 26 Latin letters, just like English. Most of the consonants follow the same pronunciation as English. There are a few exceptions:
- G in Dutch is a guttural ch/gh sound made in the back of the throat, like the Scottish loch. Ch in Dutch makes the same sound.
- J in Dutch is pronounced with an English y sound, as in year.
- V in Dutch sometimes makes an f sound, depending on the placement and regional dialect.
- W in Dutch w is a cross between an English w and v sound.
Vowels are a little trickier, but worry not – we’ve prepared a vowel guide below to help you pronounce them with ease.
Introducing the Dutch alphabet, pronunciation tips included

Letter | Letter name | Pronunciation tips |
A | ah | as in bad or bath |
B | bay | changes from a b sound to a p sound at the end of a word, as in web (web, pronounced “wehp”) |
C | say | makes an s sound before i, e, and y; makes a k sound before consonants and a, o, u |
D | day | changes from a d sound to a t sound at the end of a word woord (word, pronounced “woort”) |
E | eh | as in lesson |
F | eff | as in farmer |
G | ghay | a guttural g/ch in the back of the throat like a Scottish loch |
H | haa | as in hand |
I | ee | as in sit |
J | yay | as in you |
K | kha | as in kite |
L | ell | as in letter |
M | em | as in mug |
N | en | as in note. At the end of a word, ns are often silent or very light. The common suffix -en to make a word plural doesn’t pronounce the n. |
O | oh | as in sock or doctor |
P | pay | as in parrot |
Q | koo | as in quest. Q is only used on borrowed words and is always used together with the letter u. |
R | ehr | as in reason |
S | ess | as in set |
T | tay | as in team |
U | oo | as in food |
V | vay | Most commonly as in veal, but can take an f sound depending on the region and placement in the word. |
W | way | The Dutch w is a cross between an English w and v sound. The top teeth should touch the bottom lip without making a vibration. |
X | ex | as in six. Only used in borrowed words. |
Y | ei | as in hi. Only used in borrowed words. |
Z | zet | as in zebra |
Listen to The Pronunciation of the Dutch Alphabet from here
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